Friday, September 30, 2011

And Then Start the Issues

Sadly :(

I got an email from our DHP today telling me that her brother who is getting married in two weeks will be needing her and the rest of the wedding party to help out with the final set up on the Friday. So there we go, my first "oh dear god what are we going to do with the baby because the DHP can't take her" incident.

Luckily my dad will actually be in town, at least in the morning and my mom can take the afternoon off. *sigh*

It's so hard for me to accept that the person who I actually really like and trust to care for my baby because I can't isn't honestly and truly 100% reliable. If she was a centre she'd be totally perfect. I knew that stuff like this was inevitable, I just hoped not to have to deal with it ever. Silly eh?

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