Thursday, June 30, 2011


Most of my mom friends are those who I have met through the internet. Of all the people I went to high school with none of them are anywhere near the same stage of life as me. But there is one girl. She had a baby a few weeks after I did actually.

I've apparently become a bit of a hippy or something. I had a relatively drug free labour(only used the gas, but if I wouldn't have gotten kicked out of the shower because the ward was so full that I had no room and they didn't know where I was I would have not needed it I'm sure) and I'm a nursing mama with no plans to wean anytime soon, we do Baby Led Weaning(so no cereal/jarred foods, she eats what we eat and it's usually very healthy food), I baby wore a lot in the early days(now she gets annoyed with me) and I would totally have cloth diapered if we had our own washer/dryer(I do cloth swim diaper though) I will also be Extended Rear Facing the baby until at least the new AAP recommendations of 2 years old. Lots of this I learned through a forum that I joined back in my wedding planning days and just stuck around.

So where am I going with this. She is one of those people that updates their Facebook status every 30 seconds. It goes in this order, "I need sleep, X kept me up all night" then "I love X" and then "Going to do something with X" then "I'm tired" then "X is asleep but I can't sleep" then "X is sleeping so I will too" you get the picture. Very annoying so I blocked her from my feed. Anyhoo, every once and awhile I will check out her page and her pics. There are numerous pics of this kid drinking a slurpee, eating popsicles(and no this is not a homemade one out of natural juices or something, it's definitely commercial) etc. This kid is 9 months old!

So I judge. Isn't this why we have an obesity epidemic on our hands? Kids are more interested in drinking syrupy slurpees than having a nice glass of water? Having sugary popsicles to beat the heat instead of yogurt? I mean, there is sugar in pretty much everything, but it's the type of sugar. There is a huge difference between the refined sugar in a Coke slurpee than there is the naturally occurring sugars in peaches. *sigh*

I come from a family that struggles with weight. My dad is obese, my aunt morbidly so. My mom is overweight. My grandfather has had a few heart attacks and there is high blood pressure and cholesterol issues. I am the odd one out. While a healthy weight(although high end on the scale) before getting pregnant I'm now 15-20 pounds less than that and I'm probably in the best physical condition now than in the past ten years and I eat nutritious homecooked meals and generally chose water as my drink of choice. My husband is also thin even though his sister is after a few years of marriage overweight. So we are motivated for their problems to not become our own.

So when I see things like this I just shake my head. I'm totally not saying that my kid will never taste refined sugar or be allowed to eat the occasional Happy Meal. But there are far better choices out there. And we will continue to make the right choices. And I will silently judge those who don't even though it's something I never thought I would do.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


We head to the lawyers today to sign the papers completing the sale of our house. It's a strange feeling. I was there yesterday as we forgot some bar stools in the shed but they didn't fit the day before to take them home. The baby was sleeping in the car and I was alone in our little house.
As I stood in our now empty living room I remembered that she first pulled herself up on the couch along the wall, and her swing sat next the the window in the corner. Her pink nursery was painted by me a month before her birth. I'm not much of a painter so it was a pretty big accomplishment. In our bedroom, there are the mirrored closet doors that our first cat freaked out at when we first brought him home as a kitten, and then he learned to open up. It's the room that we slept in as husband and wife and where we slept with our daughter for the first 7 months of her life.

I had no idea that I felt this way about our house. This is actually the 3rd time we've threatened to move and it finally happened. It was a place where we lived and it was small. Our apartment was bigger for cripes sakes. But as I stood in the empty house alone, I realized that it was more than that. It was not just a house but a home, it was small but it was ours.

I wrote a letter to the new owners, going through our story, hoping to get my closure. I think I got what I was looking for. I only hope they read it. I hope no matter what they intend on doing with our house, be it their first home or an investment property, it will work out well for them.

That house meant a lot to my husband, and apparently it meant a lot to me as well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Wha? Another post about sleep from me? Never! ;)

Child went to bed around 7:30. She went down quite easily, then woke up in a freakout around 8pm. 10 minutes later or so she went back to sleep. I decided to make brownies around 9 and she woke up again, this time for about 5 minutes. Then 4 frigging 30 comes along and up she is. Nurses nicely for about half an hour and back into her crib with little protest because she doesn't seem to want to sleep with me anymore. 6:30 hubby's first alarm goes off, and back up she is and brought back to bed with us and I start praying for a miracle or something(no the alarm didn't wake her up I just pointed out to him that no I don't get to sleep in). 7am he gets up officially for work....and so do I. No such luck of more sleep. She is ready for the day. Effffffff.

I am at the end of my rope. I was the girl who pre-baby could work from 9am-11pm(at two jobs) then party all night, head to bed at 5am, get up at 6:30 to get to work back across town at 7:30, just as long as I had some coffee. I seem to have lost that ability.

And I'm regretting sleep training her for her own crib. At least when we co-slept I woke up feeling rested. *sigh*

Monday, June 27, 2011

So Much for That Idea

As agreed upon, this morning my husband took the baby off my hands. She woke up at 5am, nursed and I put her back into her crib. She then slept in til about 8 or so and I ended up rescuing her because I guess he didn't hear her. I brought her to bed, nursed her again while he got up and got dressed and brushed his teeth.

Then off they went. At 8:55 he comes in and says that she is cranky and for me to deal with her. I notice she is still in her jammies and I asked why and whether or not she had breakfast. Well no he says, you gave her the boob while I got ready.

No wonder she is annoyed. She is hungry! Some Cherrios and a piece of waffle later back to happy baby. And now he is all grouchy because the baby is all out of sorts and somehow this is all my fault. *sigh* So much for that idea. Maybe I'll sleep in again when she's 20.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sleep Redux

So my discussion with hubby about getting him to get up with the baby once she was up for the day was anti-climactic. He agreed but in a rather monotone "oh crap" sense of agreement. Too bad I wasn't clear on when I wanted this to happen, the Sunday(today) or the Monday(tomorrow) I thought today and he thought tomorrow.

So after going to bed at close to 2am from staying up far too late watching Little Fockers on VOD I was awakened by the "rescue me" whining of the baby at 5am. Ugh. After spending close to 2.5 hours trying to get her to go back to sleep, I rolled over and told him to take her. No dice, that's tomorrow. So a nap for me was required this afternoon.

I'd complain more but naptime for baby girl seems to have ended.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sleep, or Lack Therof

I'm not liking her newest sleeping patterns. Sure she goes to bed all nicely around 7:30 or so, but now there is a wakeup at around 5am. And I can't just ignore her because she is legitimately hungry. So I was bringing her back to bed with us to nurse and fall back asleep until 9ish. Well in the last 10 days or so, there is no more going back to sleep. It's playtime! At frigging 5:30am! Um, no. And I am not the greatest sleeper. I'm a chronic insomniac and I have incredible trouble falling asleep. I have been like this my whole life.

So then there is my kid. Doesn't want to go to sleep in our bed, doesn't want to go back to sleep in her crib. ACK! And I know she is tired, she's rubbing her eyes, she's yawning....but I have the ultimate sleep fighter for a child. She is so terrified of missing something or whatever her deal is, she just won't go back to sleep.

Gone are the days when simply sticking a boob in her mouth will put her into the happy milk drunk sleepy state. Or the days when she would contently nap on my chest. Or even sleep in her car seat even on the shortest trips. *sigh*

So here is my new plan. Mama needs sleep. So either tomorrow morning or Monday morning. Hubby is going to deal with the screaming demon. I'll get up with her at god o'clock to feed her and I will try for about half an hour or so to get her back down. After that, she is not going to be my problem. Days my husband doesn't work, he sleeps til 11-12. I don't even want that! I would consider 8:30 a win and 9 to be nothing short of a miracle.

He is going to be told when he comes home from work. I have been up with this kid for nine and a half months. I expect resistance. Well resistance is futile.

And Now Volume #3

Again from A Sophisticated Mommy, she has a give away from True Cuddles. She is one of many fantastic Canadian mommy bloggers who is participating in the Great Canadian Blog Bash. There are so many wicked ladies out there and it's so cool that this came together

Friday, June 24, 2011

Another Great Givewaway Volume #2

A Sophisticated Mommy is another awesome Canadian mom blog that I follow. She often has great giveaways and this is one of them

Seeing as I can't keep socks on my kid to save both our lives, I think these are pretty cool. And if you go to the manufacturers website, they have all sorts of neat products.

Another Great Giveaway

Here is a link to another great giveaway from a Canadian mom blog that I follow.

It's for Animal ABC and 132 DVDs. My kid loves animals of all kinds and goes crazy when she see's them so I'm sure she would love something like this.

You can get to Not Just Baby Brain by clicking the button at the bottom of my blog.

Course Outlines

So I'm intending on doing RPL(Recognition of Prior Learning) for my course come October and I've been in touch with the co-ordinator trying to get course outlines so that I know what is going on so that I can figure out how to I guess challenge a few courses.

All she got for me was an outline about Basic Business Communication. Emails, letters, memo and the like. Ya I know how to do all this. In fact when it comes to emails, I was the girl that would proof read most of the letters/emails that management would send out to make them look and sound professional. And I learned how to write memos in grade 12 automated office(too bad I dropped out of the course because I had better things to do with my life as an 18 year old) Plus I am the grammar nazi of the world. I don't use text speak in texts and emails and I kind of want to punch people who do.

The second class actually had an assignment of Apostrophe Practice. Are there humans out there that don't know where to put apostrophes? Really? It's an open book exam. Oh my God.

So if I am stuck taking this class because for whatever reason I can't prove that I know how to do that stuff, here are my possible outcomes.
1.) I will get 100% because I can do this kind of thing blindfolded with my right hand tied behind my back.
2.) I will be bored out of my tree and I will just skip the class. This option scares me because I have a history of this.

This is my bread and butter. This is how I pay my car loan and put food on my table. I can't eff this up.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What to Do, What to Do?

Ever have one of those days where even though you did nothing the day before and were going kinda stir crazy, you don't wanna do anything the next day? That's me today. I have no energy, no desire, no nothing.And with it being Thursday it's our regular mommy group day and we have no books to read at bedtime so that's another thing that I need(well not like I really need to do it, but you know what I mean) but I just don't want to. How is that fair to my little girl?

My husband made a giant pot of borscht(Ukrainian soup made with beets, cabbage, onions, carrots, and pork or beef) that I will not go near with a ten foot pole a few days ago and he still has tons left so it's not like I need to make dinner tonight. So I need to find something for myself and the baby. But all I can think of making is rice and that's just not going to do. *sigh*

At least my flyers should be delivered today by the children who live down the street. They came on Wednesday last week, so I was quite disappointed yesterday. And my neighbour across the street finally had sod delivered. So it's nice to see grass there instead of the dirt that he's been playing with for months. I think he was hoping that his seeds would just grow. Maybe if it were small patches but not one's entire front yard and side yards.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rain :(

So it's pouring rain outside right now. So I can't go for a walk outside with the baby unless I want to have another shower. Don't much feel like going to the mall so I guess we are stuck at home. I've been up for about 2.5 hours now. Ate breakfast, had a shower, gave the baby a bath, surfed the web some....and now I'm bored with a 9 month old to entertain.

And I'm still ridiculously tired to boot and I felt like death last night. It's gonna be a loooong day.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So Tired

I'm utterly spent. I fell asleep last night around 12:30-12:45pm which when you compare to this time last year is like little old granny early(I had wicked insomnia whilst pregnant with my daughter so sleeping at 3am was par for the course) and it's even slightly earlier then I went to bed this time two years ago.

Course the baby woke up at 5am. I brought her to bed, nursed her and because she didn't want to go back to sleep with us, back to her crib.She didn't much like that so after and hour I rescued her. She ended up sleeping and so did I, then hubby's alarm went off which woke me up. Fall back asleep. 8am comes way to soon and then both of us are up for the day.


Do I just need to get to bed a bit earlier? Is it just because I have a really busy little girl? Or is it reminiscent of January 2011. What is so significant about January 2011? I found out I was pregnant. The extreme exhaustion was my first sign that the game was afoot. I knew I was pregnant a few days before I tested because of this.

So how is it possible for me to maybe have 2 under 2(my worst fear)? Well honey and I are not well versed in condoms. It broke last week. Neither one of us has ever dealt with a broken condom before and it's a bit of a scary thing. It broke on CD12 and our daughter was conceived on CD14. It might be too early though as while my cycle has returned, it's longer than before.

I'm torn over the thought of a new baby. I'd love another child. But I'd be due in March which is right around the time that I hope to be finding a new job as I will be done school. I need 600 hours to qualify for another mat leave. And I don't intend on working more than a day or two a week while I'm in school just because having to do work/school/mommy/wife/cook/cleaner will just be way too much for me to handle.

So we'll see what happens in the next week or so. YIKES!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Maybe I'm Being Too Harsh

I might have been to harsh on DH in my last post. He is an amazing daddy, super involved in our daughter's life and her experiences and he works really hard to put food on our table. So me griping that he was whining about the whole sleeping in deal might have been a bit mean. (And no he doesn't even know this blog exists so it's not him who told me, it was my own guilt-ish thing when I re-read what I wrote)

So to my husband, you are awesome!

Now to go wake him up so we can get to the bank :P

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

So it's my husband's first Father's Day today. The baby gave him a hand stamped key chain with her name and birthdate on it. She tried to eat the box it came in, it was funny.

And now it's 10am. We've been up for an hour(should have been closer to 2.5 hours but I did some serious dragging out) and we're both dressed, have eaten breakfast and I have a load of baby laundry in the washing machine. DH is still asleep, save for the few minutes I asked him to watch the baby so that I could put the load of laundry in. Once done, her and I stayed on the bed as she wanted to play with him.

"What so I'm done sleeping now?" he asked me."It's Father's Day, I should be allowed to sleep in."

"Uhuh, and what do you think I had to do on Mother's Day?" I asked. "When was the last time I got to sleep in?"

"For all I know it was yesterday" he answered.

"Ya freaking right" I retorted in annoyance.

So happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. Enjoy the day Hallmark set out for you. Just remember that while Mother's Day is supposed to be our Hallmark day, the work of a mama never ends and it's just another day ending in Y.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nothing Like Shopping!

Sears had Baby Days as well as some other excellent sales and what with my Sears card being the only one I have available credit on *whistles* off we went.

What is not to love about buy one get one free on sleepers?! I was able to get four jammies for her in 12 month size. One footed sleeper and three 2 pieces and it cost me only about $20 which is a great price. I don't know how much longer I can stuff her into 9 month sleepers because she is so long. I was also able to get a really cute pair of pink Timberland sandals for $30. Not on sale, but finally, a summer shoe that she can't get off by rubbing her ankles together. I'm not going hunting for lost flip flops anymore. I'll just save those for the yard and the beach. It's not like she walks yet anyway.

Then I got some stuff for me! I'm one of those women that most others hate. I was 155 pounds("normal" weight for someone of my height but on the "higher" side of said normal). Then I got pregnant and gained a whole 17 pounds. I walked into the hospital in labour wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans. I was basically at my pre-pregnancy weight by the time we left a few days later and after nursing, walking like crazy and using water as my drink of choice over say pop, I'm now about 20 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight. So none of my clothes really fit me anymore. I bought a pair of jeans about about 10w post partum.....they are a bit too big now. So buying a pair of cute capris and a nice t-shirt for about $50. Seeing as the capris where regularly priced at $60 I think I did pretty good.

I've become a bit of a bargain hunter so these deals were pretty sweet. I'm pretty much set for clothes for both myself and the baby until fall now!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Nap Time -A Battle of Wills

My kid is a terrible napper. She has been her entire life and it makes me kinda crazy. All I want is the child to sleep like normal babies do. But god forbid, she might miss something.

So we normally got our naps in via car rides. But with the price of gas, the fact that I now live walking distance to places I would normally drive to and worst of all, the fact that her sleeping in the car is no longer a guarantee...I can't count on that anymore. I can sometimes get a stroller nap in. She will blissfully fall asleep while we walk and will stay out for at least 1/2 hour. But that doesn't always work either. So what is a desperate mommy to do?

We've had recent success with her sleeping in her crib at night, so I have started to try to get her to nap in her crib. When I first put her down, even though I know that she is tired, she freaks out like I'm killing her or something. It's the absolute end of the world. So I usually end up rescuing her and trying(usually) in vain to get her to sleep in my arms.

Today was somehow different. Car didn't work, a long walk in the park didn't work, me holding her didn't work. Into the crib she went. After only a few minutes of baby hissy fit there was silence. She's actually napping in her crib right now! OMG!

So I'm going to enjoy this strange turn of events. I had a bunch of phone calls I need to make regarding the sale of our house so the timing is perfect. Then once my little girl is awake we are going to go enjoy the afternoon in her kiddy pool that has been warming since 9am. Great way to end the week!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I'm very pleased to say that our house is now sold! YAY! We got well over asking and a great possession date and I'm thrilled to say that once it's all said and done, we will only have a small line of credit and our car loans left in the consumer debt pile. Both our credit cards will be paid off, same with our new mattress, and the insurance for her both our cars for the year. We will be also be able to pay for my course with cash and pay off the rest of my Canada student loan with money left in the bank.

Why don't we just take all the rest that we're putting in the bank and pay off the LOC and the car loans too? Well we want money banked. We will be needing it to move out of town next year. (It's a really long & complicated story) But at the end of the day, we are going to be in a great financial position. And that's pretty much key in this whole thing for me to be able to go to school and not have to work 30 hours a week but still be able to afford daycare for our daughter and put food on the table.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Offers Today

Today we are accepting offers on our old house. At 8:30 our agents are coming over to present them. I talked to her today and she's got semi confirmation on at least three.

Such a nerve wracking experience it's been already. When I was over today, we had 15 business cards on our microwave stand. I know that we had more showings than that as well. There we 2nd showings and people who spent a lot of time at the open house for the size of our place.

All that's left is to hope that good things come from all the showings and that we get some good offers tonight.

I'll update tomorrow :) Hopefully with a sale!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Loving the Long Walks

Our new house is walking distance to libraries, numerous parks and shopping. So this morning we took advantage of the nice weather(at least for today seeing as it's supposed to start raining again for the rest of the week) and we took a nice walk to the library. We picked up some board books to read and I intended to go walk to the mall for awhile and then go home.

Then I discovered that my monster had taken off her sandal and presumably dropped it to watch it fall without me noticing. *sigh* So double back we go. There isn't a lot of traffic in the area at that time of day so I was hopeful but it was just a little baby flip flop and even in the light wind I soon became worried that it had blown away.

We turned back onto our street and what do I happen to find on the side of the road? Her sandal! Sweet!

So instead of going back to the mall, we walked further around the neighborhood. How nice it was to take a long stroll in the sunshine. My napless wonder falls asleep during long walks outside and this time was no different. I guess I just never realized how nice it was to just go for a walk. Let my baby girl experience the outdoors -the sound of the birds, the warmth of the sun, the cool breezes. Strange what you learn to appreciate.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Grocery Shopping? At Wal-Mart? Really?

Seeing as we now get flyers and the Wal-Mart near us is now a Supercentre complete with an almost complete grocery store, I thought I'd give them a shot. I normally avoid Wal-Mart because you can waste half your life standing in the checkout lines but at 10am it wasn't so bad.

I was pleased to discover fresh produce comparable to what I would normally purchase at Sobeys for better prices. Their meats looked ok, but I can't shake the fact that it's Wal-Mart so I chose to pass that aisle by.

They also have an ad match program in place. It's something that I am going to have to look further into for things like boxed goods seeing as I will now have flyers from the chain grocers to be able to match and compare. But that is going to take some work and some getting used to. I'm just starting into couponing(more on that in a future post) so I kind of want to be established in that before I venture into something new.

I still went to Sobeys after for my meats and for some items that they had on sale there. But after checking flyers for them and Wal-Mart and some coupons, I spent approximately $65 for a weeks worth of groceries for my family of three. No diapers, pet food or laundry products which for sure kept the costs down. But when I budget $125 a week for food, $65 is pretty darn good.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bored & Lonely

It's Sunday night and I'm home alone with my (formerly) sleeping baby, the dog that barked and woke her up and my cats. DH is out celebrating his cousin's birthday. Even if it wasn't his cousin's birthday, he would still be out...and I'm left here all alone.

I haven't actually had a night out in about 10 months, so shortly before my daughter was born. My husband on the other hand pretty much gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It makes for a very lonely existence. Pretty much all of my friends aren't married and/or have children so I'm weird and as such not really worthy of a phone call or text anymore....

Leaves me with another night alone. At least the baby fell back asleep. Part of this is my fault I guess. He's not happy that we moved(very long story) and as such wants to spend as little time here as possible(honestly, just don't ask) but because I'm at the beck and call of an infant I can't even go to the convenience store a few blocks away and get myself chocolate ice cream. But realistically, he did this before we moved so I'm not sure that him not wanting to be here is a good excuse.

So what is one to do? Continue being a martyr? Isolated and alone? Or do I become that wife who says that her husband must stay at home with her. What usually happens when it's the two of us at home? I'll be playing on the computer, him watching TV. So really, I'm almost still alone.

Just can't win....

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Hit & Run

My poor car was the victim of a hit and run yesterday, presumably in the TRU parking lot. No note, no sign of what hit me nothing.

So I've made a claim with my insurance company and a police report. Now I have to wait a week and a half to get my car estimated. It's going to cost me my deductible and because there is prior damage to the front bumper, I'm likely to get hit with depreciation. Maybe that's why there was no note left? The driver saw that it was already damaged and hoped I wouldn't notice?

Car seats in Canada are all to be replaced after any and all collisions. So in a panic I went to Sears and got a Graco MyRide to replace the Air Protect that I was whining about in this post but I also had the car seat that normally lives in my husband's car to worry about. I have no idea what I'm going to replace that with. At least insurance will pay for them.

Transport Canada and all the car seat manufactures state that a child seat needs to be replaced after any collision even if it was unoccupied and/or looks undamaged. There could be damaged that you can't see that could cause the seat to fail in a subsequent collision.

I'm lucky that my insurer follows this to the letter, but if yours tries to tell you otherwise, make sure you fight for replacement seats.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Status of Our Old House

We put our house on the market on Tuesday with showings starting Wednesday and offers next Wednesday. We've never sold a house before so it's a bit nerve wracking.

Our Realtors are trusted family friends for well over a decade. We are the third generation that has used them and between the family they've been involved in the buying and selling over close to ten houses and condos(yes I am in a family of nomads) So we really trust that they know what they are doing.

We've had at least 10 showings, including at least one second showing and at least one showing of people that just saw the sign on the lawn. We are doing an open house this Sunday. They are very pleased with the traffic that the listing has received. It's a sellers market here, and we have a great location and it's a great starter or rental property.

We'll see what happens on Wednesday. We have a lot riding on the sale of this house.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Against Manufacturers Instructions

One of them many "weird" things I'm into is extended rear facing. What that means is keeping your child in a rear facing car seat past the law of 1 year, 22 pounds and walking unassisted. Some people think I'm insane, I think I'm just doing what I think is best for my daughter.

So after I was in a car accident when baby was 4 months old, instead of buying another bucket seat, I bought a convertible seat(a seat that can go from rear facing to forward facing) as it made no sense to buy another bucket that she would only fit for a few more months versus something she would fit for a few years.

I bought a Safety First Air Protect on recommendation of a car seat forum. It has one of the tallest shells on the market(which I need for my off the charts for length baby) a high weight limit(40 pounds RFing, 50 FFing), a continuous harness(which is awesome for easy adjusting), it installed really easy, was fairly inexpensive, and has nice headwings for sleeping.

On suggestions from car seat technicians, I chose to ignore the manual that states you need to have the line level to the ground(a 45 degree angle) to protect the airway of a newborn. Well the bottom slots of this seat are so high there is no way it would fit a newborn. I wasn't using it for a newborn anyway so I installed more upright- closer to a 30 degree angle. I knew it was going against the manual, but to me, if it's good enough for the child of a tech, it's good enough for my child.

Well Safety First just clarified their position on more upright installs. No dice. Well installing my seat with the line level to the ground is closer to a 50-55 degree angle and the seat is practically horizontal when installed in my mid-size sedan. It makes the front passenger seat essentially unusable unless the passenger doesn't have legs. Very frustrating!

So I happen to have a spare seat at my disposal. It's a Safety First Alpha Omega Elite that normally lives in my husband's car. It also needs to have the line level to the ground but for whatever reason, it's line level to the ground seems to be at a true 45 degree angle so I can at least install the thing. Too bad I can't tighten the UAS on my own and even after my husband did it, I'm still not happy with the install. I bought this seat on impulse when I was 37w1d pregnant after having contractions the night before and panicking that we had no car seat for my husband's car. It's on sale! It's the last seat you'll ever need as it's RFing/FFing/booster seat! Ya, not really.

So now I have a car seat I can't use, a car seat I don't like and a baby that I need to get out of the house with. And no money right now to get a different seat. *sigh* I have one seat on a site to sell used items and I hope it will go quickly to finance my new seat, like a First Years True Fit. The things we do to keep our children safe.

There are times when I wish that I didn't know what I know because I would have carried on what I was doing the way I was doing it. Knowledge might be power, but you sometimes have to wish you don't know how to use it.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Last Swim Class

Our last swimming lesson is today :(

I've really enjoyed taking her, even though it takes almost as long to get dressed after as the lesson itself. She is such a water baby and really enjoys splashing around. And it's actually a pretty good workout for me. Lifting a nearly 20 pound baby in and out of the water is hard work and in order to stay submerged in the water at my height I need to be in an almost perma squat position.

I'm thinking I am going to sign us for a mommy/baby aquafit class this July. My only hesitation is that it's at 9am. But it might get us into a good practise for an early wake up time for when I start school this fall.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

All Moved In

After a few days of utter ridiculousness, we are all moved in to our new house and the old one is up for sale. It's been so crazy trying to get everything set up and the cable/phone/internet all switched over. It's been overwhelming to say the least. Baby is sleeping terribly, but that could be because of teething/sleep training/moving -any or all of the above. She's been really clingy and that's extremely frustrating to say the least.

Our two cats didn't take to the move well. They have barely eaten in the past three days and our black cat was hissing for no reason at our orange cat. They grew up with each other so we have no idea what the deal was. He seems to have settled down now but it's just so strange.

Our dog took ok to the move. But she's not happy that she can't get to the basement. She is presently whining at the baby gate. I think the cats are down there.

So as for our old house, showings start tomorrow and we already have an appointment for the evening. It's only been up online for a few hours so I take this as a good sign. Our Realtors are long time family friends and they feel very confident about the sale. I'm just starting to share their confidence. I will feel far better come next Wednesday when we are accepting offers. We have kind of a lot riding on the sale of the house so I hope we can sell for a good price.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Moving With a Baby

What a terrible idea! Our new house is twice the size with a finished basement, dishwasher, laundry, almost everything you could want in a house. I've been excited to move for weeks now.

We were able to get into the house about a month ago and I started bringing things over. Outgrown baby clothes, winter gear, pictures, that kind of stuff. We need to be officially out of our house by noon this Sunday so that the cleaner can come in so we can list on Monday so this weekend is when we are moving everything this. Did I mention that my husband works Saturdays? Ya...

So the baby and I brought a load of stuff over this morning and I tried to get all the boxes that I had already brought over and had stashed in her room unpacked. I put her on the floor of the living room and let her play while I got the kitchen and closets organized.

Epic fail. I got the closets done and started on the kitchen when the shrieking began. I tried nursing, and she snacked for a minute or two then done. Try to put her back down, nope. Tried giving her a new toy to play with which satisfied her enough for me to unpack another box. Then shrieks again. So I turned on the tv for some noise, but something was wrong with it and I could only get NBC so we were stuck with the French Open and I don't like tennis. Baby is just too tired to deal anymore(did I mention that I have a nap refuser for a child?)

So off we head for home, at least she sleeps in the car. I'm just waiting for my mom who should be here in about 1/2 hour or so to help me bring some more stuff over to the new place. We're also going to pick up our new space foam mattress. The store says it comes in a box so we should actually be able to fit it in the backseat of my car and we'll just move the car seat to my mom's. Never thought I'd be transporting anything other than an air mattress in my car.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Sleep Training....Oy

We've(and by we've I mean me) have been trying to sleep train our daughter. We have co-slept since birth and it worked for us for a long time. But now that she is getting bigger and crawling and moving around it's just not cutting it anymore.

So off baby goes to her crib. I've tried now cry it out methods, they don't work on my little tyrant. So despite saying that we wouldn't do CIO, here we are(although I said we wouldn't co-sleep either so my word's not worth that much).

I haven't read any CIO books(although I picked up Sleep Easy from the library today) so we started with my own version. I'd put her into her jammies, then we'd nurse until she was drowsy but still awake and then I'd put her into her crib, turn on her musical seahorse, hand her this cute bunny lovey I bought off etsy and say night night.

She screams the second I get her within a foot of her crib like she's dying. Then I do checkins every 10 minutes and eventually she falls asleep, sucking her thumb. Day 1 it was an hour, by day 3 it was only 20 minutes. I thought I was doing pretty damn good.

Then she learned how to pull herself to standing....she can't get back down.Ugh! Last night was a 2.5 hour nightmare. I consulted some Sleep Easy veterans on a message board I belong to who told me to not lay her back down. She'd learn to do it herself/she'd fall asleep standing/she'd fall down etc. Main point, don't touch her. Well that's great but that doesn't work! By 2.15 hours I got fed up and laid her back down and less than 15 minutes after that she was out until I dunno, around 3-4am when she freaked again and in I go and she's standing up again. I laid her down but I really don't know what happened after that because I fell asleep, I assume she did too. By around 7am, she woke up as usual and was standing again. Not sure how long she was standing there. Sigh.

Who knows what tonight brings. I just want my baby to sleep.

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Stuff I've Come to Like

If you are anything like me and were(still are) living under a rock, you might not know anything about the wonderful world of etsy and could be wondering what that awesome giveaway I linked yesterday could be all about.

After having my daughter, I grew more concerned about hand made items. As much I am a slave to the commercially available products, I found myself wanting things that were different. Etsy fit that bill. I've purchased bibs, dresses and makeup as well as gifts for birthdays. All things that I could find at the mall, but these were all unique. Then I found items that I've never even seen in stores, like a belt that keeps too big pants on babies and toddlers and leashes to keep toys like Sophie the Giraffe securely fastened to the stroller or shopping cart(SO handy when your baby discovers dropping things for the sake of watching them fall).

I've become known as a bit of an online shopper extraordinaire in my mommy group. So I'm often asked where I get my products. So I share with you some of my favourite shops and items from etsy. You'll notice that they are Canadian as I like to support Made in Canada.

Toddler Belts from Alligator Snaps
Perfect for when pants fit in length but not in the waist. The current jeans my daughter is wearing are held up by a pink and black belt. Great seller!

One of my go to sellers. I've purchased many things from her including my wetbag that we use for swimming lessons and a carry it clutch that is great for coupons(another new discovery of mine) and shopping lists. She has a sister shop that sells really cute kid stuff that I'm sure I'll be visiting once the baby is older.

Another go to seller of mine. She makes the cutest dresses and her drool bandanas are far superior to any commercially available bib. I know at least two people who have ordered from her after asking me where I got them.

I will caution you, the wonderful world of etsy and online shopping in general is rather addictive. I just added up my etsy purchases since January 4, 2011 which is the day of my first purchase, I could pay off the balance of my Sears card and then some! And that's just etsy! I also frequent MamaBargains, BabySteals, mySwimBaby, and BabyHalfOff just to name a few.

My husband would probably kill me if he knew this. At least he agrees that our daughter looks cute.