Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bored & Lonely

It's Sunday night and I'm home alone with my (formerly) sleeping baby, the dog that barked and woke her up and my cats. DH is out celebrating his cousin's birthday. Even if it wasn't his cousin's birthday, he would still be out...and I'm left here all alone.

I haven't actually had a night out in about 10 months, so shortly before my daughter was born. My husband on the other hand pretty much gets to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. It makes for a very lonely existence. Pretty much all of my friends aren't married and/or have children so I'm weird and as such not really worthy of a phone call or text anymore....

Leaves me with another night alone. At least the baby fell back asleep. Part of this is my fault I guess. He's not happy that we moved(very long story) and as such wants to spend as little time here as possible(honestly, just don't ask) but because I'm at the beck and call of an infant I can't even go to the convenience store a few blocks away and get myself chocolate ice cream. But realistically, he did this before we moved so I'm not sure that him not wanting to be here is a good excuse.

So what is one to do? Continue being a martyr? Isolated and alone? Or do I become that wife who says that her husband must stay at home with her. What usually happens when it's the two of us at home? I'll be playing on the computer, him watching TV. So really, I'm almost still alone.

Just can't win....

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