Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Wha? Another post about sleep from me? Never! ;)

Child went to bed around 7:30. She went down quite easily, then woke up in a freakout around 8pm. 10 minutes later or so she went back to sleep. I decided to make brownies around 9 and she woke up again, this time for about 5 minutes. Then 4 frigging 30 comes along and up she is. Nurses nicely for about half an hour and back into her crib with little protest because she doesn't seem to want to sleep with me anymore. 6:30 hubby's first alarm goes off, and back up she is and brought back to bed with us and I start praying for a miracle or something(no the alarm didn't wake her up I just pointed out to him that no I don't get to sleep in). 7am he gets up officially for work....and so do I. No such luck of more sleep. She is ready for the day. Effffffff.

I am at the end of my rope. I was the girl who pre-baby could work from 9am-11pm(at two jobs) then party all night, head to bed at 5am, get up at 6:30 to get to work back across town at 7:30, just as long as I had some coffee. I seem to have lost that ability.

And I'm regretting sleep training her for her own crib. At least when we co-slept I woke up feeling rested. *sigh*

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