Monday, June 27, 2011

So Much for That Idea

As agreed upon, this morning my husband took the baby off my hands. She woke up at 5am, nursed and I put her back into her crib. She then slept in til about 8 or so and I ended up rescuing her because I guess he didn't hear her. I brought her to bed, nursed her again while he got up and got dressed and brushed his teeth.

Then off they went. At 8:55 he comes in and says that she is cranky and for me to deal with her. I notice she is still in her jammies and I asked why and whether or not she had breakfast. Well no he says, you gave her the boob while I got ready.

No wonder she is annoyed. She is hungry! Some Cherrios and a piece of waffle later back to happy baby. And now he is all grouchy because the baby is all out of sorts and somehow this is all my fault. *sigh* So much for that idea. Maybe I'll sleep in again when she's 20.

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