Friday, June 17, 2011

Nap Time -A Battle of Wills

My kid is a terrible napper. She has been her entire life and it makes me kinda crazy. All I want is the child to sleep like normal babies do. But god forbid, she might miss something.

So we normally got our naps in via car rides. But with the price of gas, the fact that I now live walking distance to places I would normally drive to and worst of all, the fact that her sleeping in the car is no longer a guarantee...I can't count on that anymore. I can sometimes get a stroller nap in. She will blissfully fall asleep while we walk and will stay out for at least 1/2 hour. But that doesn't always work either. So what is a desperate mommy to do?

We've had recent success with her sleeping in her crib at night, so I have started to try to get her to nap in her crib. When I first put her down, even though I know that she is tired, she freaks out like I'm killing her or something. It's the absolute end of the world. So I usually end up rescuing her and trying(usually) in vain to get her to sleep in my arms.

Today was somehow different. Car didn't work, a long walk in the park didn't work, me holding her didn't work. Into the crib she went. After only a few minutes of baby hissy fit there was silence. She's actually napping in her crib right now! OMG!

So I'm going to enjoy this strange turn of events. I had a bunch of phone calls I need to make regarding the sale of our house so the timing is perfect. Then once my little girl is awake we are going to go enjoy the afternoon in her kiddy pool that has been warming since 9am. Great way to end the week!

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