Monday, August 08, 2011

Hair Cut!

I got my hair cut today! Hubby took care of the baby and I went and got my hair cut! I feel so much better. It looks better, it's lighter and has texture and shape and dimension. About frigging time!

I had been musing about it for so long as my last hair cut was months and months ago. But it was at the hair dressing school and it wasn't quite what I was looking for. But it was like $15 so how can you really complain that much?

But this, this was actually done by a very old friend. I knew she had finished school and I knew she was working at a salon that I actually used to frequent pre-baby. Wandering through the mall I happened to run into her while she was on her lunch and after a brief chat we booked me an appointment.

Two hours later and I now have a simpler hair cut with some nice red hilights that contrast very well with my dark brown hair. Red has always gone really well with my naturally dark hair. It makes the brown pop more and adds some dimension to the colour. Plus hubby loves red hair..... ;)

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