Sunday, August 21, 2011

(Mis)Adventures in Cake-Making

I've been instructed that for my little girl's first birthday, I must make the cake. Ya I don't really bake, brownies here and there, but an actual cake? You've got to be kidding me.

I successfully made cupcakes using cake mix. So I thought making a cake with cake mix should be just as easy. Well it wasn't. It took far longer than the box said to cook and the middle sunk in a bit. This just wasn't going to work. It tasted ok, but not enough taste and the sunken middle won't ice well.

I talked to a friend who makes cakes as a hobby. Apparently the cake mixes are too light and airy which is why mine sank, so she gave me a different recipe to try. It will weight the cake and give it more flavour. I think I'll try it sometime this week. I really want to get it right. Even if that means hubby has to take a whole bunch of cakes to work so that I don't eat them all.

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