Sunday, July 03, 2011

Baking Spree

DH went to help turn about five trucks into one to basically save his friend's business last night, so I was all alone again. Had a shower, did some laundry...then what?

Baking that is what. I made a simple strawberry pie. Like a monkey could make it simple. Cut up strawberries covered in a glaze made out of strawberry gelatin, cornstarch, sugar and water and it will be topped with Cool Whip. At least the graham cracker crust was home made. ;)

Then I made brownies. Brownies are pretty much a recent discovery of mine. I knew I liked brownies and that was pretty much that. My first foray into making them came from a Betty Crocker box. Quite good surprisingly. Then I tried scratch. First recipe I tried, I found it not chocolatey enough but my husband thought it was fine. Second was pretty good. The ones I tried last night were money back guarantee brownies. Well I want my money back. The centre collapsed and the taste of vanilla extract and cocoa was overwhelming. Boo.

I have yet to taste the pie as I thought I'd take it over to my mom's when we head there for supper/hubby building her a fence. If it's a bust I might cry.

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