Monday, July 11, 2011

Garage Sale Hell

Ok, so we moved and my dad has all but moved as well. So between us we have a bunch of stuff. I don't want to throw it out and there is just too much to all lug to the Salvation Army or something, so garage sale it is. Plus I live in a big garage sale town so people would look at me funny if I told them I had a bunch of stuff that we just got rid of.

So right now in my rec room all along a wall is boxes and piles of stuff. Kitchen stuff, household stuff, knick knacks, etc. Problem is I need to go through it all, price it and make sure that it's actually worth putting it up for sale. WAY easier said than done. It's just overwhelming and time consuming. And I can't get anything done when the baby is awake because she gets into everything. So I have to do it when she is asleep, but I just don't want to do anything then because I'm trying to relax after chasing around a very busy little girl.

Arg. New resolve for tonight, GET SOMETHING DONE! The proceeds will be paying for a 4 slice toaster because my 2 slice just isn't cutting it anymore. I'm sure I'll make more than enough ;)

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